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The logo for the historical society of the northern territory inc.

Sheer Hard Work and Plenty of Guts: The Farrar Family of the Northern Territory

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DERRICK, Lynette 2020

Most of the research for the book is derived from the author's mother Phyllis Uren nee Farrar’s diaries and photographs. Part 1 - Outlines the Farrar family association with the pastoral industry in the remote top end of the Territory from 1880-1942.

Part 2 - Details the impact of WW2 in 1942 on Darwin and the Farrar family’s evacuation to Ban Ban Springs Station, near Brocks Creek where they endured the war. The book contains 143 photos taken between late 1800’s and 1950

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Sheer Hard Work and Plenty of Guts: The Farrar Family of the Northern Territory
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