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The logo for the historical society of the northern territory inc.

Journal of Northern Territory History 2024

Northern territory historical studies a journal of history heritage and archaeology


Fort Dundas, Melville Island: A Further 200 Years?

Clayton Fredericksen

Contested Memorials: The Multiple Legacies of J. W. O. Bennett

Samantha Wells

Julian Tenison Woods and the Northern Territory

Roderick O’Brien

Short Reports

One Hundred Books: Book Publishing by the Historical Society of the Northern Territory

Brian Reid

Book Reviews

Richard Creswick and Derek Pugh, Tracy: 50 Years, 50 Stories

[Janie] Elizabeth Anne Mason

Dr Tom Lewis, Cyclone Warriors: The Australian Defence Force and Cyclone Tracy

Norman S Cramp

Donald J Christophersen, A Little bit of Justice: The Story of Charlie Flannigan – The first Man to be Executed in the Northern Territory of South Australia from the Newspapers and Documents of the Day 1883-1893

David Carment

Mavis Kerinaiua and Laura Rademaker, Tiwi Story: Turning History Upside Down

Samantha Wells

John Bradshaw, He of the Never-Never: Mr Aeneas Gunn

Brian Reid

Deborah Bird Rose, Dreamtime Ecology: Nomadic and Indigenous Ecological Knowledge, Victoria River

Lyn Riddett

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