The logo for the historical society of the northern territory inc.
The logo for the historical society of the northern territory inc.

Channel Island Leprasarium & Middle Arm

July 1, 2020

Eleven vehicles and 26 trekkers met at the Elizabeth River Bridge carpark and drove along the track towards the Middle Arm Aboriginal use site. We then walked about a kilometre to a site where we saw petroglyphs, very unusual in the Top End, and several large shell middens

Morning tea at Middle Arm

  • A man and a woman are sitting in chairs on a dirt road.

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    Greg Freeman & Janet Elliott

  • Two women are sitting in the back of a car.

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    Jane Munday & Christine Tarbett-Buckley

  • Two women are sitting next to each other in front of a car

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    Kate Bell & Wendy Asche

  • A man in a hat sits in the back of a truck

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    Peter Siebert

  • A group of people are sitting in front of a green suv

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    Sue Ridgwell. Libby Siebert. Janie Mason. Derek Pugh

  • A group of people are standing on a dirt path in the woods

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  • A group of people standing around a large rock

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  • A group of people are standing on top of a hill surrounded by trees.

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Lunch was at the Channel Island boat ramp car park and then we headed to the abandoned Channel Island Leprosarium site. In 1884, the site was the Territory's first quarantine station. Its hospital and facilities were completed in 1914. In 1931, the site and buildings were converted to a leprosarium which operated until 1955. At the end of its time, most of its buildings were dismantled and moved elsewhere. There was also evidence that the area was used by Defence during World War 2. 

The site is very overgrown with only a couple of corrugated iron huts still standing. Two sweet possums had made their home in one of them.  Foundations of buildings were still very visible with several sets of stairs that led to nowhere. The jetty had been built with stone and covered in concrete but much of the concrete had crumbled away. Metal beds, chairs and cabinets were scattered in the bush. A pleasant find was a beautiful stone and brick fire place complete with chimney. 


Matt & Earl James,  Brian &  Lyn Reid, Derek Pugh & son, Ron, Libby & Peter Siebert, Sue Ridgwell, Janie Mason, Ted Whiteaker, Gus Withnall, Ian Anderson, Bev Phelts, Alan Mitchell, Janet Elliott, Greg Freeman, Jane Munday, Christine Tarbett-Buckley, Kevin Coonan, Wendy Asche, Andrew & Kate Bell, Julie Mastin, Ron Innes & Penny Baird

Thanks to Matt James and Brian Reid for organising the trip and doing all the reccie runs that went before it. 

Further reading: 

  • Northern Territory Government Fact Sheet, "Channel Island Leprosarium and Reefs", October 2011

  • Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife, "Channel Island  Conservation Reserve Management Plan", December 1997 

June 6, 2024
Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory in Australia. On Christmas Eve in 1974, there was a big storm called Cyclone Tracy. Everyone was excited because Christmas was just around the corner. But little did they know, their city was about to be destroyed by a Tracy and their Christmas totally ruined. On Christmas Eve, there were signs in the sky that something wasn't right. The weather experts said a big storm was coming, but many people didn't take it seriously. They thought it would be like the other storms they had seen before – there was one named Selma only three weeks earlier that had come close but had turned away at the last moment. But Cyclone Tracy was different. When it arrived, it brought very strong winds and heavy rain that shook the whole city. Houses were torn apart, trees were uprooted, and there was chaos everywhere. It was scary, and everyone had to stay inside and stay safe. But when houses were blown away, sometimes safety was very hard to find. Despite the danger, people in Darwin helped each other. They checked on their neighbours, shared food and water, and made sure everyone was okay. Some brave people even went out in the storm to rescue others who needed help. After Cyclone Tracy passed, Darwin was left in ruins. Many houses were destroyed, and the streets were filled with debris. It took a lot of hard work to rebuild the city and make it safe again. Cyclone Tracy was Australia’s biggest natural disaster, and it taught everyone an important lesson. They learned that it's essential to listen to the experts and be prepared for storms. They also learned how important it is to help each other in times of need. And just as importantly, they learned how to build houses strong enough so that would not blow down in the next cyclone. With the help of the government and people from all over Australia, Darwin started to rebuild. New houses were built stronger to withstand storms, and everyone worked together to make the city safe again.  Today, people in Darwin still remember Cyclone Tracy. They have ceremonies and memorials to honour those who lost their lives and to celebrate the bravery of those who helped others during the storm. Cyclone Tracy was a big storm that changed Darwin forever. But it also showed how strong and caring people can be when they work together. And now, Darwin is stronger and safer than ever before, thanks to the lessons learned from Cyclone Tracy.
A black and white map shows darwin in the middle
June 6, 2024
For people living in the rural areas of the Top End, the outpost radio station VJY was the main conduit for most things; weather, telegrams, events and particularly an on the air opportunity to consult with an Aerial Medical Service doctor. Cyclone Tracy had smashed the radio tower at Darwin Post Office and the equipment was out of action. The whole of the Northern Region was without the service. Darwin Police had set up a portable radio set to operate on VJY frequencies but did not have the power to reach Katherine or Alice Springs. But people with radio sets were out there listening. In particular, the wife of the manager of St Vidgeon cattle station was able to hear and relay. From then on the St Vidgeon call sign, NINE SIENNA ECHO TANGO took over from VJY as the outpost radio station for much of the Top End. By two days after Tracy struck the Aerial Medical Service with chartered aircraft was operating from Katherine.
A group of people are sitting in a row eating food.
June 6, 2024
At first light on Christmas morning suburban residents emerged from their mostly destroyed homes, their street of houses appeared no better. The only visible buildings still standing for many were the schools, particularly secondary schools. To these the people drifted with the little of their possessions they could find or carry. Casuarina High School was typical and over the next few days became the biggest of such congregation centres with some 4 to 5 thousand people seeking refuge there. Within hours volunteers made the centre work. A clinic was established by local general practitioners with medicines and dressings brought in by residents. A child care centre was established so parents could assist with the running of the centre or return to their homes to retrieve things that may be useful. A community kitchen was soon operating with gas bottles brought in and frozen food retrieved from refrigerators. A large communal pit latrine was constructed by workers at the centre with retrieved equipment. A trench was also dug for garbage. A refuge for pets was created. Organised gathering of rain water was commenced. Later that day a convoy of still functioning vehicles was assembled to try and find a way through to the hospital with the seriously injured. By the second day Government authorities were in action in Darwin’s centre and the congregation centres became an essential part of the response to the devastation. Food and medicines were soon being distributed. Preventive immunisations for tetanus and typhoid were made available from them. Cataloguing of people camping at the centres was begun.  For many people in the suburbs of Darwin, shelter, food, water and sanitation were not otherwise available and unlikely to be for some considerable time. This became an important part of the decision to temporarily evacuate the city.
June 6, 2024
In the early hours of Christmas day, Government officials were trying to get a message out to the National Disaster Organisation in Canberra of the destruction of Darwin. The Police Station was attempting to do this and a nearby coastal freighter, MV Nyandar, was able to make the relay. Help was soon on the way. The Darwin Disaster Committee met later that day and decided the city of 45000 people could not be supported and would have to be evacuated. Some were able to leave Darwin in still functioning vehicles and some were essential personnel. That left, it was estimated, some 30 000 people living in centres as refugees, to be evacuated. Top of the list were severely injured patients in Darwin Hospital to be Medevaced to southern hospitals. The first RAAF medevac flight was away later Christmas day. Many more were to follow in the next couple of days. Evacuations of civilians, mostly by air, took place over the next week. RAAF and particularly rerouted commercial passenger aircraft managed the task. It was a massive exercise from a damaged Darwin airport with partially restored runways.
June 6, 2024
Prior to Tracy and since records were kept, at least six tropical cyclones have severely affected Darwin communities. 1839. The early settlement of Victoria, Port Essington, was wrecked by a ‘hurricane’ on 27 November. Buildings and boats were destroyed. HMS Pelorus was driven ashore with the loss of eight lives. 1878. From 14 to 20 January terrific storms and hurricane squalls prevailed over an area extending from the coast to 560km inland. During the night of 14 January every building in Darwin was damaged and several totally destroyed. 1882. On 16-17 January heavy gales did considerable damage. Many buildings were completely destroyed and every house was more or less damaged. 1897. On 6-7 January Darwin was almost completely destroyed by a ‘disastrous hurricane’ accompanied by ‘phenomenally heavy rainfall’. It was estimated that the damage done exceeded 150 000 pounds. Twenty eight people lost their lives, 15 on the water and 13 on shore. Of the deaths on shore, only two were named by the authorities; Richard Tracey, a gold miner and M D Armstrong the butcher. Aboriginal people who died remained unnamed. 1917. On 1 April Darwin was visited by a ‘hurricane’ ‘which had no equal’ since that of 1897. 110km/h winds blew mainly from the south and south-east. Buildings were damaged and a fishing junk was wrecked and its crew of seven drowned. 1937. A severe tropical cyclone during the hours of darkness of 10-11 March caused damage estimated at 50 000 pounds and the deaths of five people- one in Darwin and four on Melville Island. A peak gust of 160 km/h from the NW was recorded at Darwin airport just before 0130 CST on 11 March. From all accounts, the storm of 1897 was the most intense cyclone to affect Darwin prior to Tracy. The Northern Territory Times and Gazette 25 January 1897 records; The storm which broke over the city early on Wednesday the 6th inst. culminated in one of the most destructive cyclones ever recorded. The cyclone reached its highest pitch between 3.30 and 4.30 and in that hour it was impossible for human beings to stand erect against it. The crash of buildings and the rattle of iron and timber falling about, combined with the blinding rain and roaring of the tempest, was an experience which those who underwent it will never forget to their dying day. Strongly built houses collapsed like houses of cards; roofs blew bodily away; lamp and telegraph posts were bent or torn up; immense beams of timber were hurled away like chaff; trees were uprooted; in many instances large houses were lifted bodily from their foundations and deposited 10 or 12 feet away; and in short the night was one of terrifying destructiveness that made the stoutest heart quail.
A black and white map of the world shows the tropic of cancer
June 6, 2024
The first alert of the possibility of the development of a tropical cyclone was issued on 21 December 1974, more than 3 days before Tracy struck Darwin. Satellite pictures, weather watch radar and automatic weather stations all played a vital role in detecting and monitoring the cyclone. The US meteorological satellites enabled early detection of the tropical disturbance and monitored the subsequent development of the cyclone. When the centre approached within range, the Bureau’s weather watch radar gave accurate determinations of location and movement, while the automatic weather station at Cape Fourcroy on Bathurst Island reported the first measured values of the very strong winds and low pressure towards the centre. The ship Lady Cynthia, when located less than 90km NW of the centre at 1500 CST 24 December, provided a radar fix that agreed well with the positioned determined by land based radar at Darwin airport. Reports from civil aircraft on routine flights also pinpointed the eye and one light aircraft flying at 300m attempted to penetrate the storm but was forced to return when still some distance from the centre.
A group of cars are parked in a dirt lot.
June 30, 2022
The Victoria River region is full of wonderful pastoral and exploration history. Augustus Gregory (1819-1905) and his party are one of the most notable. In 1855, Gregory and his men set up a camp on the Victoria River and explored the area. Gregory went on to explore the Elsey, Roper & MacArthur Rivers and named the Leichhardt River. My group headed off on Thursday 21 July and stopped for lunch at Katherine. We arrived at the Victoria River Roadhouse mid afternoon where we set up base camp. The road from Darwin is bitumen all the way and takes around 6 hours. All of the group met up at the Roadhouse over drinks on that evening. The Roadhouse offers shady camping grounds, motel units, showers, basic groceries, diesel, bar/restaurant & helicopter rides. Day 1 - Friday 22 July (Show Day) It was a very brisk, chilly & windy morning of 15C when we gathered at 8.30am to start the day.
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