Journal of Northern Territory History 2021


Who Killed Dhupuma College?

Helen Spiers

Bush Nursing 1964-1974

Margaret Hewitt

On a Wing and a Prayer: Displaying the History

of the Northern Territory's Flying Padres

Fiona Shanahan

Alfred Searcy's Trip to the East

James Potter

The Post-War Operational Military Service of Darwin's Filipino-Australians. 1945-1960

Paul A Rosenzweig

Patron's Talk

Herodotus: The Father of lllstory

Austin Asche

Book Reviews

Sally K May. Laura Rademaker. Donna Nadjamerrek and Julie Narndal Gumurdul, The Bible in Buffalo Country, Oenpelli Mission 1925 - 1931

Wendy Beresford-Maning

Derek Pugh. Fort Wellington: The British in North Australia 1827-29

David Carment

Pam Oliver, The Resolute CLA Abbott: Swaggie, Policeman, Light Horse Captain, Pastoralist, Politician and the Northern Territory's Wartime Administrator, 1886-1975

Lyndon Megarrity


Jacqueline O'Brien OAM (1926-2020)

Alan Powell (1936-2020)

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